Paul W. Thayer papers 1958-1996
Related Entities
There are 9 Entities related to this resource.
Pennsylvania state university (corporateBody)
The Pennsylvania Humanities Council designated the year 1985 as "The Year of the Pennsylvania Writer." The PHC funded projects in eight locations throughout the Commonwealth to gain appreciation, understanding, and recognition for past and present Pennsylvania writers. The State College/University Park location held a two-stage conference and related events by five Centre County regional organizations. From the description of The Year of the Pennsylvania writer collection, 1984-1986....
Thayer, Paul A. (person)
Paul W. Thayer was born in Birmingham, Alabama on July 18, 1927. He was the fifth son of Hugh and Elizabeth Thayer. Thayer grew up around the country as the family moved often for his father's job at DuPont. In 1942-1943 while attending Swarthmore High School, Thayer enrolled in the Penn State wartime program which allowed students to begin their first semester while still a high school senior. Thayer entered Penn State at age 16 and received his high school diploma on D...
McGehee, William (person)
Ohio State University (corporateBody)
The Medical Alumni Society of The Ohio State University College of Medicine, since 1931 with the exception of 1939, has given the honor of "Man of the Year" to a doctor(s) during their annual reunions. In 1973 the award name changed from the title "Man of the Year" to "Professor of the Year." And in 1975, Margaret (Peg) Hines was the first woman to be so honored. From the guide to the Man/Professor of the Year Photograph Collection, 1934-1993, (Medical Heritage Center) ...
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (U.S.) (corporateBody)
The current Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology can trace its roots to the founding of the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1892. For 50 years following the establishment of APA, psychologists with applied interests requested that APA respond to their needs and they attempted on several occasions to organize under the auspices of APA. Upon request of the National Research Council, AAAP (American Association of Applied Psychology), APA, and SPS...
American psychological association (corporateBody)
In the 1980s, the American Psychological Association (APA) Board of Directors approved an oral history project focusing primarily on key figures in American psychology that were advanced in years. Another part of the project involved interviewing past APA presidents. The APA historian continues to conduct these interviews. The APA archives hold the entire collection of these interview tapes. You can search the APA online index of these oral histories at for the ...
Life Insurance Agency Management Association (corporateBody)
North Carolina State University (corporateBody)
Currently, there are 24 University Standing Committees. Members of each of the University Standing Committees are appointed by the chancellor at the beginning of each academic year. The Committee on Committees provides the chancellor with recommendations concerning the composition and charge for each committee, its chair, and its faculty, staff, and student members. These recommendations are in part based on voluntary expressed preferences, on a general principle of rotation, and, whenever appro...
American Psychological Society. (corporateBody)